First of all congratulations to Monday’s T-shirt winner, Rosemary Tran Williamson. We’ll be pick our final pre-order T-shirt winner tomorrow, and the prize will be extra sweet, b/c I’ll be throwing in a 32 CANDLES tote bag, just because that’s the day 32 CANDLES actually comes out. Thanks in advance to everyone who pre-ordered the book. You’ve helped us tremendously with our first week sales.
Speaking of good first week sales, we’re running a two-week-long series called “TODAY’S 32 CANDLES ASK.” Basically we ask you to do one thing to support 32 CANDLES the next day, and you can either choose to do it or not to do it. But if you do it, we’ll be all kinds of grateful. So that all explained, let’s get into today’s ask:
On Tuesday, June 22, please change your profile pic to the 32 CANDLES book cover. You can save the image in this post, which is small enough to be uploaded to Facebook. After you upload, please either caption or enter a comment with the following Amazon order info:
That’s it. Please keep the 32 CANDLES cover as your profile for the entire day, and feel free to take it down on Wednesday. Thanks so much in advance!
100% Grateful,