32 CANDLES has a very exciting week ahead, so let’s rundown our latest news, shall we?
1. Just in case you missed my announcement about the last chapter missing from the e-version of 32 CANDLES, please get the details HERE. We want everyone to read the full book and hope to have this all resolved soon.
2. Friendly reminder to keep on spreading the word about 32 CANDLES. We’re hoping to collect 50 Amazon reviews by the end of the month and the more tweets and Facebook updates you can spare, the better. The fact is that if this book is successful, it’s going to be successful because of your word of mouth. So please don’t stop talking about 32 CANDLES yet.
3. I’ve got a book event at Vroman’s Pasadena at 7pm tonight. LA folk, please come out! More info can be found HERE.
4. The publisher is throwing a book event for 32 CANDLES at Georgia Salon in Manhattan on Wednesday night at 6pm. NYC folk please come out. More info can be found below.
5. Live in the Philly/New Jersey area? My BFF extraordinaire is throwing a book event at an the Artworks Gallery in Trenton, New Jersey on Thursday night. And that info can be found HERE.