4 Ways To Get a 32 Candles T-shirt!

Hey Darlings!

First of all, congrats to today’s 32 CANDLES T-shirt winner, Mary Schrader! Second of all, we’re only giving away six more T-shirts, so I wanted to let you know a few ways to get a 32 CANDLES T-shirt of your own.

1. Pre-Order 32 Candles, let me know that you did, and we’ll put you in the pre-order pool to win.

2. Review 32 Candles on your blog before JULY 4, 2010.

3. Come to one of the 32 CANDLES book events. We’ll be giving away FIVE T-shirts at every book event.

4. Submit a THEN and NOW. Not only do we give a donation to FFAWN for every person that submits, but we’re also giving away 20 T-shirts to the first 20 people who submit their THEN and NOW story HERE!

How easy is that? And friendly reminder to all 32 CANDLES T-shirt winners to please send me pics of you in the 32 Candles T-shirt before JUNE 22 (that’s next Tuesday!). Meanwhile check out Amy from “Tall Drink of Nerd” rocking hers in Tongva Sacred Springs. Love the braids, Amy!